
Melinda Title Page screenshot

Title page of web application

Melinda Comic Episode

Example of a comic episode (draft, click to view entire panel)

Melinda Episode Photo

Photo story episode screenshot


Study Project, 2014

In 2014, the pharmaceutical company CellBound starts the first series of tests implanting tiny electronic chips into the bloodstream of newlyborns. The test subjects will later be known as "the Firstborn".

The year is now 2038. The chips are now used for identifying people, financial transactions and as personal keys. Without the chip, you are practically non-existent.

MELINDA is an interactive sci-fi mystery story for young adults set in a dystopian future. The player/audience decides the protagonist's course of action within three different storylines across different genres.

Melinda's story is told in episodic format and delivered on a content platform on the web. Each decision of the player matters and drives the story forward. Players can enjoy the story on their computers, their smartphones or on TVs since the web application is fully responsive.

My contribution

Story Concept, Visual Design, Web prototype programming (HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript).